Rabu, 26 September 2018



(Q.S, al Baqarah 186)


Allahumma shalli ‘ala Mujhammad wa aali Muhammad, wa ‘ajjil farajahum

Ya Allah,  hamba bermohon kepada-Mu, dengan rahmat-Mu yang meliputi segala sesuatu
dengan kekuasaan-Mu yang dengannya Engkau taklukkan segala sesuatu

dan karenaNya menunduk segala sesuatu dan karenaNya merendahkan segala sesuatu
dengan kemuliaan-Mu yang mengalahkan segala sesuatu

dengan kekuatan-Mu yang tak tertahankan
oleh segala sesuatu
dengan kebesaran-Mu yang memenuhi segala sesuatu
dengan kekuasaan-Mu yang mengatasi segala sesuatu
dengan wajah-Mu yang kekal setelah punah segala sesuatu

dengan asma-Mu yang memenuhi tonggak segala sesutu
dengan ilmu-Mu yang mencakup segala sesuatu
dengan cahaya wajah-Mu yang menyinari segala sesuatu

Wahai Nur, wahai yang suci!
Wahai yang Awal tidak berpermulaan
dan yang Akhir tidak berkesudahan!
Ya Allah,  ampunilah dosa-dosa hamba yang meruntuhkan penjagaan.
Ya Allah, ampunilah dosa-dosa hamba yang mendatangkan bencana.

Ya Allah, ampunilah dosa-dosa hamba yang merusak karunia
Ya Allah, ampunilah dosa-dosa hamba yang menahan doa
Ya Allah, ampunilah dosa-dosa hamba yang merunkan bala’
Ya Allah,  ampunilah segala dosa yang telah  hamba lakukan
dan segala kesalahan yang telah hamba kerjakan

Ya Allah, hamba datang menghampiri-Mu dengan zikir-Mu,
Hamba memohon pertolongan-Mu dengan diri-Mu,
Hamba bermohon pada-Mu dengan kemurahan-Mu,
dekatkan hamba keharibaan-Mu,
sempatkan hamba untuk bersyukur pada-Mu,
bimbinglah hamba untuk selalu mengingat-Mu.
Ya Allah, hamba bermohon pada-Mu dengan permohonan hamba yang rendah,
hina dan ketakutan,
maafkan hamba, sayangilah hamba,
dan jadikan hamba redha dan senang pada pemberian-Mu.
dan dalam segala keadaan tunduk kepada-Mu

Ya Allah, hamba memohon pada-Mu
dengan permohonan orang yang berat keperluannya

yang ketika kesulitan menyampaikan hajatnya pada-Mu
yang besar kedambaannya untuk meraih apa yang ada di sisi-Mu

Ya Allah, besar kekuasaan-Mu, tinggi kedudukan-Mu,
selalu tersembunyi rencana-Mu, selalu tampak kuasa-Mu

selalu tegak kekuatan-Mu, selalu berlaku kodrat-Mu tak mungkin lari dari pemerintahan-Mu

Ya Allah, tidak hamba dapatkan pengampunan bagi dosa hamba,
tiada penutup bagi kejelekan hamba,

tiada yang dapat menggantikan
amal hamba yang jelek dengan kebaikan,
melainkan Engkau, Tiada Tuhan kecuali Engkau
yang suci Engkau dengan segala puji-Mu
Telah hamba aniaya diri hamba

telah berani hamba melanggar, karena kebodohan,
tetapi hamba tenteram, karena bersandar pada sebutan-Mu dan karunia-Mu pada hamba

Ya Allah, Pelindung hamba,
betapa banyak kejelekan telah Kaututupi,
betapa banyak malapetaka telah Kauatasi,

betapa banyak rintangan telah Kausingkirkan,
betapa banyak bencana telah Kautolakkan,

betapa banyak pujian baik yang tak layak bagi hamba telah Kausebarkan.
Ya Allah, besar sudah bencana hamba,
berlebihan sudah kejelekan keadaan hamba,
rendah benar amal-amal hamba, berat benar belenggu (kemalasan hamba).
Angan-angan panjang telah menahan manfaat dari diri hamba,

dunia dengan tipuannya telah memperdaya hamba,
dan diri hamba (telah terpedaya) karena ulahnya, dan karena kelalain hamba.

Wahai Junjungan hamba,
hamba bermohon pada-Mu dengan segala kekuasaan-Mu,
jangan Kaututup doaku  karena kejelekan amal dan perangaiku,

jangan Kau ungkapkan rahasia hamba yang tersembunyi,
yang telah Engkau ketahui,

jangan Kau segerakan siksa pada hamba yang hamba lakukan dalam kesendirian hamba,

karena perbuatan buruk dan kejelekan
karena kebiasaan hamba untuk melanggar batas, dan kebodohan,
karena banyaknya nafsu hamba dan kelalaian hamba.

Ya Allah, dengan kemulian-Mu,
sayangi hamba dalam segala keadaan,

kasihi hamba dalam segala perkara.

Ilahi, Rabbi,
kepada siapa lagi selain Engkau,
hamba memohon dihilangkan kesengsaraan hamba, dan diperhatikan urusan hamba.

Ilahi, Pelindung hamba, Engkau kenakan pada hamba hukum, tetapi disitu hamba ikuti hawa nafsu hamba;

hamba tidak cukup waspada terhadap tipuan (setan) musuh hamba,
maka terkecohlah hamba lantaran nafsu hamba,

dan berlakulah ketentuan-Mu atas diri hamba
ketika hamba langgar sebagian batas yang Kautetapkan bagi hamba,

dan kubantah sebagian perintah-Mu
Namun bagi-Mu segala puji hamba atas semua itu;
tiada alasan bagi hamba (menolak) ketentuan yang Kautetapkan bagi hamba,

demikian pula hukum dan ujian yang menimpa hamba.

hamba datang kini menghadap-Mu, ya Ilahi,
dengan segala kekurangan hamba,
dengan segala kedurhakaan hamba (pelanggaran hamba),
sambil menyampaikan pengakuan dan penyesalan hamba
dengan hati yang hancur luluh,

memohon ampun dan berserah diri,
dengan rendah hati mengakui segala kenistaan hamba.

Karena segala cacat hamba ini,
tiada hamba dapatkan tempat melarikan diri,

tiada tempat berlindung untuk menyerahkan urusan hamba,
selain pada kehendak-Mu untuk menerima pengakuan kesalahan hamba

dan memasukkan hamba pada kesucian kasih-Mu.

Ya Allah,  terimalah pengakuan hamba, dan kasihanilah beratnya kepedihan hamba

lepaskan dari kekuatan belenggu hamba.
Ya Rabbi,
kasihanilah kelemahan tubuh hamba,
keburaman kulit hamba dan kerapuhan tulang hamba.

Wahai Tuhan yang mula-mula menciptakan hamba,
menyebutku, mendidik hamba, memperlakukan hamba dengan baik,
dan memberi hamba kehidupan,
karena permulaan karunia-Mu,
karena Engkau telah mendahului hamba dengan kebaikan,
berilah hamba karunia-Mu.

Ya Allah, Junjungan hamba, Pemelihara hamba!
Apakah Engkau akan menyiksaku dengan api-Mu,
setelah meng esakan-Mu
setelah hatiku tenggelam dalam makrifat-Mu

setelah lidah hamba bergetar menyebut-Mu

setelah jantung hamba terikat dengan cinta-Mu
setelah segala ketulusan pengakuan hamba dan permohonan hamba,
seraya tunduk bersimpuh pada rububiyah-Mu

Tidak, Engkau terlalu mulia untuk mencampakkan orang yang Kau ayomi,

atau menjauhkan orang yang Engkau dekatkan, atau menyisihkan
orang yang Engkau naungi,
atau menjatuhkan pada bencana orang yang Enkau cukupi dan Engkau sayangi

Aduhai diri hamba!
Junjungan hamba, Tuhan hamba, Pelindung hamba !
Apakah Engkau akan melemparkan ke neraka
wajah-wajah yang tunduk rebah karena kebesaran-Mu,
lidah-lidah yang dengan tulus mengucapkan ke esaan-Mu

dan dengan pujian mensyukuri nikmat-Mu,
kalbu-kalbu yang dengan sepenuh hati mengakui

hati nurani yang dipenuhi ilmu tentang Engkau
sehingga bergetar ketakutan

tubuh-tubuh yang telah biasa tunduk untuk mengabdi-Mu
dan dengan merendah memohon ampunan-Mu

Tidak sedemikian itu persangkaan kami tentang-Mu

padahal telah diberitakan kepada kami tentang

Wahai Pemberi karunia, wahai Pemelihara!

Engkau mengetahui kelemahan hamba
dalam menanggung sedikit dari bencana dan siksa dunia
serta kejelekan yang menimpa penghuninya;

Padahal semua (bencana dan kejelekan) itu

singkat masanya, sebentar lalunya, dan pendek usianya.

Maka apakah mungkin hamba sanggup menanggung bencana akhirat
dan kejelekan hari akhir yang besar,

bencana yang panjang masanya dan kekal menetapnya
serta tidak diringankan bagi orang yang menanggungnya; sebab semuanya tidak terjadi kecuali karena murka-Mu, karena balasan dan amarah-Mu.

Inilah, yang bumi dan langit pun tak sanggup memikulnya

Wahai Junjungan hamba,
bagaimana mungkin hamba (menanggungnya)?
Padahal hamba sebagai hamba-Mu yang lemah, rendah, hina,
malang, dan papa.

Ya Ilahi, Tuhan hamba, Junjungan hamba, Pelindung hamba!
Urusan apa lagi kiranya yang akan hamba adukan pada-Mu?

Mestikah hamba menagis menjerit? karena kepedihan dan beratnya siksaan?

atau karena lamanya cobaan?

Sekiranya Engkau siksa hamba beserta musuh-musuh-Mu

dan Engkau himpunkan hamba bersama penerima bencana-Mu

dan Engkau ceraikan hamba dari para kekasih-Mu dan kecintaan-Mu
Oh … seandainya hamba,
Ya Ilahi, Junjungan hamba, Pelindung hamba, Tuhan hamba!

Sekiranya hamba dapat bersabar menanggung siksa-Mu,
mana mungkin hamba mampu bersabar berpisah dengan-Mu?

Dan sekiranya hamba mampu bersabar menahan
panas api-Mu?

mana mungkin hamba bersabar tidak melihat kemuliaan-Mu?
Mana mungkin aku tinggal di neraka-Mu,
padahal harapan hamba hanya maaf-Mu!

Demi kemuliaan-Mu, wahai Junjungan hamba dan Pelindung hamba!

Hamba bersumpah dengan tulus;
Sekiranya Engkau biarkan hamba berbicara di sana
di tengah penghuninya, hamba akan menangis
tangisan mereka yang menyimpan harapan
Hamba akan menjerit
jeritan mereka yang memohon pertolongan
Hamba akan merintih - rintihan mereka yang kekurangan

Sungguh, hamba akan menyeru-Mu,
di manapun Engkau berada,
Wahai Pelindung kaum mu’minin,

wahai tujuan harapan kaum ‘arifin,

wahai lindungan kaum yang memohon perlindungan,

wahai kekasih kalbu para pecinta kebenaran
wahai Tuhan seru sekalian alam

Amat suci Engkau, Ilahi, dengan segala puji-Mu!
Akankah Engkau dengar di sana suara hamba muslim,
yang terpenjara dengan keingkarannya,

yang merasakan siksanya karena kedurhakaannya

yang terperosok ke dalamnya karena dosa dan nistanya;

ia merintih pada-Mu dengan mendambakan rahmat-Mu,
ia menyeru-Mu dengan lidah ahli tauhid-Mu,

ia bertawasul pada-Mu dengan rububiyah-Mu,

Wahai Pelindung hamba!
Bagaimana mungkin ia kekal dalam siksa,

padahal ia berharap pada kebaikan-Mu yang terdahulu.

Mana mungkin neraka menyiksanya
padahal ia mendambakan karunia dan kasih-Mu.

Mana mungkin nyalanya membakarnya,
padahal Engkau dengar suaranya
dan Engkau lihat tempatnya.

Mana mungkin jilatan apinya mengurungnya,
padahal Engkau mengetahui kelemahannya.

Mana mungkin ia jatuh bangun di dalamnya,
padahal Engkau mengetahui ketulusannya.

Mana mungkin Zabaniyah menghempaskannya,
padahal ia memanggil-manggil-Mu: Ya Rabbi!

Mana mungkin ia mengharapkan karunia kebebasan daripadanya, lalu Engkau meninggalkannya di sana.

Tidak, tidak demikian itu sangkaan hamba pada-Mu.

tidaklah demikian yang makruf tentang karunia-Mu
Tidak mungkin seperti itu perlakuan-Mu
terhadap kaum beriman,
melainkan kebaikan dan karunialah yang Engkau berikan.

Dengan yakin hamba berani berkata, kalaulah bukan
karena keputusan-Mu untuk menyiksa
orang yang mengingkari-Mu
dan putusan-Mu untuk mengekalkan di sana
orang-orang yang melawan-Mu,
tentu Engkau jadikan api seluruhnya sejuk dan damai,

tidak akan ada lagi di situ tempat tinggal
dan menetap bagi siapa pun
Tetapi, betapa kudus nama-nama-Mu.

Engkau telah bersumpah
untuk memenuhi neraka dengan orang-orang kafir
dari golongan jin dan manusia seluruhnya
Engkau  akan mengekalkan di sana kaum durhaka

Engkau dengan segala kemulian puji-Mu!
Engkau telah berkata, setelah menyebutkan nikmat yang Engkau berikan
“Apakah orang mukmin seperti orang kafir,
sungguh tidak sama mereka itu.”

Ilahi, Junjungan hamba!
Hamba memohon pada-Mu
dengan kodrat yang telah Engkau tentukan,

dengan qadha yang telah Engkau tetapkan dan putuskan,

dan yang telah Engkau tentukan berlaku
pada orang yang dikenai;

Ampunilah hamba, di malam ini, di saat ini,

semua nista yang pernah hamba kerjakan, semua dosa yang pernah hamba lakukan,

semua kejelekan yang pernah hamba rahasiakan, semua kedunguan
yang pernah hamba amalkan,
yang hamba sembunyikan atau tampakkan, yang hamba tutupi atau  bukakan.

Ampuni semua keburukan, yang telah Engkau perintahkan Malaikat yang mulia mencatatnya

Mereka yang Engkau tugaskan untuk merekam
segala yang ada pada diri hamba;
mereka yang Engkau jadikan saksi-saksi bersama seluruh anggota badan hamba;

Dan Engkau sendiri mengawal di belakang mereka,
menyaksikan apa yang tersembunyi pada mereka.
Dengan rahmat-Mu, Engkau sembunyikan kejelekan itu;
Dengan karunia-Mu, Engkau menutupinya.

Perbanyaklah bagian hamba pada setiap kebaikan yang Engkau turunkan

atau setiap karunia yang Engkau limpahkan
atau setiap keberuntungan yang Engkau sebarkan
atau rizki yang Engkau curahkan

atau dosa yang Engkau ampunkan
atau kesalahan yang Engkau sembunyikan

Y Rabbi, ya Rabbi, ya Rabbi!

Ya Ilahi, Junjungan hamba, Pelindung hamba, Pemilik nyawa hamba!

Wahai Zat yang di tangan-Nya ubun-ubun hamba!
Wahai yang mengetahui kesengsaraan dan kemalangan hamba!

Wahai yang mengetahui kefakiran dan kepapaan hamba!

Ya Rabbi, ya Rabbi, ya Rabbi!

Hamba memohon pada-Mu dengan kebenaran
dan kesucian-Mu

dengan keagungan sifat dan asma-Mu!

Jadikan waktu-waktu malam dan siang hamba
dipenuhi dengan zikir pada-Mu

dihubungkan dengan kebaktian pada-Mu
diterima amal hamba di sisi-Mu,

sehingga jadilah amal dan wirid hamba seluruhnya
wirid yang satu,

dan kekalkanlah selalu keadaan hamba dalam berbakti pada-Mu

Wahai Junjungan hamba, wahai Zat yang kepada-Nya
hamba percayakan diri hamba!

wahai Zat yang kepada-Nya
hamba adukan keadaan hamba!

Ya Rabbi, ya Rabbi, ya Rabbi!

Kokohkan anggota badan hamba untuk berbakti pada-Mu.

Teguhkan tulang-tulang hamba untuk melaksanakan niat hamba.
Karuniakan pada hamba kesungguhan untuk bertakwa pada-Mu,
kebiasaan untuk meneruskan bakti pada-Mu,

sehingga hamba bergegas menuju-Mu bersama para penghulu

dan berlari ke arah-Mu bersama orang-orang terkemuka,
merindukan dekat pada-Mu bersama yang merindukan-Mu.
Jadikan hamba dekat pada-Mu - dekatnya orang-orang yang ikhlas,

dan takut pada-Mu - takutnya orang-orang yang yakin.

Sekarang hamba berkumpul di hadirat-Mu bersama kaum mu’minin.

Ya Allah!
Siapa saja yang bermaksud buruk pada hamba, tahanlah dia,
siapa saja yang memperdaya hamba, gagalkan dia.

Jadikan hamba hamba-Mu yang paling baik nasibnya
di sisi-Mu,

yang paling dekat kedudukannya dengan-Mu,

yang paling istimewa tempatnya di dekat-Mu.
Sungguh, semua ini tidak akan tercapai,
kecuali dengan karunia-Mu.
Limpahkan pada hamba kemurahan-Mu
Sayangi hamba dengan kebaikan-Mu
Jaga diri hamba dengan rahmat-Mu

Gerakkan lidah hamba untuk selalu berzikir pada-Mu
Penuhi hati hamba supaya selalu mencintai-Mu

Berikan pada hamba yang terbaik dari ijabah-Mu

Hapuslah bekas kejatuhan hamba
Ampuni ketergelinciran hamba

Sungguh, telah Engkau wajibkan hamba-hamba-Mu beribadah pada-Mu,

Engkau perintahkan mereka untuk berdoa pada-Mu
Engkau jaminkan pada mereka ijabah-Mu

Karena itu, kepada-Mu, ya Rabbi,
hamba hadapkan wajah hamba

kepada-Mu, ya Rabbi, hamba ulurkan tangan hamba

Demi kebesaran-Mu, perkenankan doa hamba,
sampaikan hamba pada cita-cita hamba

Jangan putuskan harapan hamba akan karunia-Mu

Lindungi hamba dari kejahatan jin dan manusia musuh-musuh hamba.

Wahai yang cepat ridha-Nya!

Ampunilah orang yang tidak memiliki apa pun kecuali doa,

karena Engkau perbuat apa kehendak-Mu

Wahai Yang nama-Nya adalah obat
Yang zikir-Nya adalah penyembuhan
Yang ketaatan-Nya adalah kekayaan!

Kasihanilah orang yang hartanya hanya harapan
dan senjatanya hanya tangisan

Wahai Penabur karunia!
Wahai Penolak bencana!

Wahai Nur yang menerangi mereka yang terhempas
dalam kegelapan!
Wahai yang tahu tanpa diberitahu!

Sampaikan shalawat kepada Muhammad
dan keluarga Muhammad
Lakukan pada hamba apa yang layak bagi-Mu

wa sallama taslîman katsîrâ
Semoga Allah melimpahkan kesejahteraan
kepada Rasul-Nya serta para Imam yang mulia dari keluarganya. Sampaikan salam kepada mereka.

Allahumma shalli ‘ala Muhammad wa aali Muhammad, wa ‘ajjil farajahum

Wahai yang selalu memberi karunia pada makhluk-Nya
Wahai yang tangan-Nya terbuka dengan pemberian-Nya
Wahai pemilik karunia yang Mulia
sampaikan shalawat kepada Nabi Muhammad dan keluarganya
manusia yang terbaik akhlaknya
ampuni kami pada malam ini wahai yang Mulia

Billahi fi sabililhaq
Acheh – Sumatra
Ujung Dunia

In English:
Kumail ibn Ziyad Nakha'i are companions of Imam Ali AS choice. When Imam Ali AS reign, (35-40H), Kumayl dlantik mayor Hait. He finally met his martyrdom in the year 83 Hijrah at the age of 90 years on the orders tyrant, Hajjaj bin Yusuf al-Tsaqafi. Kumayl buried in a place called Tsaubah, which lies between the Najaf al-Ashraf and Kufa, in Iraq.
Kumayl prayer has been taught by Imam Ali AS to Kumayl RA. According to Ibn Sayyid Thawwus in the book Iqbal, this history presented by Kumayl: "One day, I was sitting in the mosque of Basra along with Maulana Amir al-Mumineen Ali AS discuss Mid-Sha'ban. When asked about the verse, "Fiha yufraqu kullu Amrin judge," (Surah al-Dukhaan: 4), Imam Ali as that this verse say about the Mid-Sha'ban; people who worship at night, not sleeping, and reading the Presence Prayer US Hidhir accepted his prayer. "
"When Ali returned to her home, at night, I menyusulinya. Seeing me, Imam AS asks, "Does your needs here?" I replied, "I'm here to get a Prayer Hadrat Hidhr." Imam invited me to sit, saying, "Yes Kumayl, if you memorize this prayer and read it every night Juma'at, suffice it to release you from evil, there would be helped by God, given sustenance, and this prayer will dimakbulkan. Yes Kumayl, length of friendship and perkhidmatan you, causing you dikurniai favor and glory for learning (prayer). "

Dalam bahasa Melayu:

Kumayl bin Ziyad Nakha’i adalah sahabat pilihan Imam Ali as. Ketika Imam Ali as memerintah, (35-40H), Kumayl dilantik menjadi wali kota Hait. Ia akhirnya menemui kesyahidannya pada tahun 83 hijrah dalam usia 90 tahun atas perintah penguasa zalim, Hajjaj bin Yusuf al-Tsaqafi. Kumayl dimakamkan di suatu tempat bernama Tsaubah, yang terletak di antara Najaf al-Asyraf dan Kufah, di Iraq.

Doa Kumayl ini telah diajarkan oleh Imam Ali as kepada Kumayl ra. Menurut Sayyid Ibn Thawwus dalam kitab Iqbal, riwayat ini disampaikan oleh Kumayl: ”Pada suatu hari, saya duduk di masjid Basrah bersama Maulana Amirul Mu’minin Ali as membicarakan hal Nisfu Sya’ban. Ketika ditanya tentang ayat,” Fiha yufraqu kullu amrin hakim,” (Surah al-Dukhaan:4), Imam Ali as mengatakan bahawa ayat ini mengenai Nisfu Sya’ban; orang yang beribadat di malam itu, tidak tidur, dan membaca Doa Hadrat Hidhir as akan diterima doanya.”

“Ketika Imam Ali pulang ke rumahnya, di malam itu, saya menyusulinya. Melihat saya, Imam as bertanya,” Apakah keperluan anda ke mari?” Jawab saya, ” Saya ke sini untuk mendapatkan Doa Hadrat Hidhr.” Imam mempersilakan saya duduk, seraya mengatakan,” Ya Kumayl, apabila anda menghafal doa ini dan membacanya setiap malam Juma’at,cukuplah itu untuk melepaskan anda dari kejahatan, anda akan ditolong Allah, diberi rezeki, dan doa ini akan dimakbulkan. Ya Kumayl, lamanya persahabatan serta perkhidmatan anda, menyebabkan anda dikurniai nikmat dan kemuliaan untuk belajar (doa ini).”

Untuk mendownload doa kumail dalam bentuk mp3, silahkan » klik disini:  http://duas.org/mp3/kumayl.mp3

In English:

Dear Allah,
I beg You, by the grace of thy yang fulfilled everything, with your power with which you conquered everything, and therefore subject to everything, and merendahlah everything, with the glory which beat everything, with a strength that is unbearable by everything, with greatness which meets everything, with your power that transcends everything, the eternal face after the extinction of everything, with your name that meet milestones everything, with knoweldge that covers everything, with the light shining on your face everything.

Nur O, O Holy One. O the beginning of everything early. O The final end of everything. O Allah, forgive my sins that brought down the guard. O Allah, forgive my sins disastrous; my sins that destroy the gift; forgive my sins that hold (granting) do`a. O Allah, forgive my sins were lowered bala`. O Allah, forgive the sins which I have done and all the mistakes that have been working on.

O God, I'm coming toward the dhikr to you, I ask your help with Yourself, I beg Thee with generosity, bring me keharibaanMu, a time to me to give thanks to You, lead me to always remember You.

O Allah, I beg Thee to request a low servant, contempt and fear, forgive me, love me, and make me the pleasure and taste quite the gift. And being tawadhu for every affair.

O Allah, I beg Thee, to request a heavy person needs, which is when the trouble conveying his business to you, which is great kedambaannya to achieve what is your side.

O God, your power Almighty, the Most High your position, always hidden plan, always look your power, always erect strength, always apply kodratMu, impossible to escape from government control (power) must.

O Allah, do not I get forgiveness for my sins, for keburukanku no cover, nothing can replace amalku bad with kindness, but (only) you.

There is no god except You. You with all the holy Maha pujiMu. I have persecuted me, I have dared to violate, because of ignorance; but I remained serene because lean on and you call your gift to me.

Below is footage of Prayer Kumail with Indonesian text (about 34 minutes):
O God, my protector, my kejelekkan how many have you cover, how much havoc have you overcome, how many obstacles have you removed, how many disasters have you put out, how much better are unworthy of praise for me have you spread.

O God, are already bencanaku, already excessive ugliness my condition, low amalamalku true, true heavy shackles (kemalasanku). Chimera long been holding the benefit of myself, the world with deceit has memperdayaku, and myself (misled) because of his actions, and due to negligence ...

O my Lord, I beg Thee with all kekuasanMu, do not you shut do`aku, because evil deeds and perangaiku, do not you reveal the hidden secret, whom you know. Do you segerakan torment me for the bad things and the bad things that I did in my loneliness, because habit encroach, and ignorance because of my soul and negligence.

O God, by your glory, in whatsoever state I love, love me in all things.
Divine Rabbi, who else besides you, I beg eliminated misery, and noted business.
Divine protector, You wear me laws (regulations), but there I follow the desires of my soul; I'm not quite wary of indirection (demons) enemy, then terkecohlah me because my soul, and act ketentuanMu over me when I breaking most of the limits you set for me, and partly kubantah your order.

However, to You all pujiku above all; There is no reason for me (reject) the provisions of which you assign to me, as well as legal and exams that happened to me. I come now menghadapMu, O Divine with all the flaws, with all the iniquities (transgression), while conveying the recognition and regret with a broken heart melted, begging forgiveness and surrender, humbly acknowledging all kenistaanku.

(Because of all this cacatku), no I get a place to escape, no refuge to submit business, in addition to the desire was to receive the recognition of mistakes and put me on the sanctity of Thy favor.

O Allah, accept my confession, have mercy on the severity of the pain, release me from my chains powers.

Yes Rabbi, have mercy on my weakness, skin softness and fragility of bones.
O God first created me, call me, educate me, treated me well, and gave me life, since the beginning of your gift, because you were ahead of me with kindness, give me your gift.

Ya Allah, my Lord, My keeper ... Will you menyikasaku with your blazing, after I mengesakanMu, after my heart sank in makrifatMu, after the tongue moves called you, after heart tied to your love, after all sincerity confession and prayers while kneeling on rububiahMu subject ...

Below is a video of Prayer Kumail with English subtitles (about 34 minutes):
No! You are too precious to throw people you keep, or alienate people who you hold, or set aside the person who you naungi, or drop the disaster on the person you are inadequate and you dear ...

Alas, me !, my Lord, my Lord, my protector!
Whether you would throw into hell faces subject to fall by greatness, tongues are sincerely utter keEsaanMu and praise be grateful for nikmatMu, Kalbu-heart who wholeheartedly acknowledge Uluhiah thy conscience filled with the knowledge of you, so that ketakutan vibrate, bodies that have been subject to the usual serve humbly beseech Thee and Thy mercy.

So it's not our prejudice about you, when I have preached to us about keutamaanMu.

O giver of the gift, O preserver! You know my weaknesses in a bear bit of a disaster and the punishment of evils that afflict the world and its inhabitants; Whereas all the (disaster and evil) was short of his time, his moment, and short age.

So is it possible I could endure disaster and evil afterlife great final day, disaster long and lasting era of his time, and not alleviated for those who bear it; because everything does not happen, but because of your wrath, as recompense.

Here, the earth and the sky was not able to bear. O my Lord, I like where possible (bear)? Though I'm weak servant, poor, lowly, poor, and destitute.

Moreover affairs presumably would I stir Thee? Should I cry to scream, because of the pain and the severity of the punishment, or because of the length of the trials?

If only thou torment me along your enemies, and you himpunkan I shared bencanaMu receiver, and you divorce me from the lover and your love ...

Imam Ali bin Abi Thalib as in calligraphy
O ... .. if I ... Yes Divine, my Lord, my protector, my God. If only I could be patient bear siksaMu, where maybe I could bear to part from you? And if I can be patient hold your blazing heat, how could I bear not see your glory? How could I live in hell, but my hope is only forgiveness?

For the sake of glory, O my Lord, my protector! I swear sincerely; if only you let me speak there, in the middle of its inhabitants, I will cry, cry of those who keep hope, I will scream, their cries for help, I'll moan, groan shortage.

Sesesungguhnya, I would menyeruMu wherever you are ... Oh, Protector of the believers ... O the hope purpose ‘arifin ... O protector of the requesting protection. O lover hearts of lovers of truth, O Lord of the universe ... Most holy thou divine, with all pujiMu!

Will you hear there the sound of Muslim slave imprisoned with (due to) keingkarannya, who feel punished before Allah because sins are committed, which fall into it because sin and nistanya; he moaned to You by crave your grace, he menyeruMu tongue tauhidMu expert, he bertawasul Thee with RububiahMu ...

O protector! How could he forever in torment, and he hoped to goodness earlier. How could hell hurt him, and he longed for gift and your grace. Where possible flames burn, while you hear his voice and see his place ... where you might flames surrounded them, but you know his weakness. How could he fall up in it, but you know his sincerity?

Where possible Zabaniyah menghempasnya, when he called-call you: Ya Rabbi ...! How could he expect from him the gift of freedom, and you leave it there ...

No. Thus sangkaanku nothing against you. Unlikely as it perlakuanMu against the believers, but the kindness and karunialah you have given.
With sure I dare say, if not for the decision to torture people mengingkariMu, and the decision to perpetuate there people who are against you, you will make the fire completely cool and peaceful, there will be no longer in situ residence, and settle for anyone , Shrine of Imam Ali

But Qudus asthma (names) must; You have sworn, to meet the hell with the infidels from the class of Jin and Human entirely. You will perpetuate there the ungodly. You and all the glory pujiMu. You said, after mentioning the favors that you give "Are the believers as infidels, in fact not the same as they were".

Divine, my Lord ... I beseech Thee, by nature, whom you specify, with qadha whom you have set and disconnect, and have you specify applies to people who dikenainya ... Forgive me, on this night, at this moment, all the insult I've ever worked on, all the sins I've ever done, all the evils that I never kept secret, all the ignorance that once I resume practicing, I hide or putting out, (I did) secretly or openly.

Forgive all the evils which thou hast commanded angels record. Those whom you have assigned to record everything that is within me, those who make my witnesses together with all the members of my body, and you own escort behind them, watching what is hidden in them.
By your grace, you hide the ugliness. With your gift, you cover it. Perbanyaklah share to every good thing you down, or any gift you bestow, or any kindness that you deploy, or any provision that you shed, or any sin that you ampunkan, or any errors that you have hidden.

Rabbi Rabbi Yes ... yes ... yes Rabbi ...
Divine Yes, my Lord, my protector, my life owner (Determinants of freedom)! O Essence of my fate in his hands end (top of my head)! Oh who knows the misery and misfortune! Oh who knows indigence and kepapaanku!

Rabbi Rabbi Yes ... yes ... yes Rabbi ...
I beg to You with truth and purity, with the majesty of nature and Asma`Mu. Make all the time that I went through, the nights and my lunch was always filled with remembrance to you, connected to worship Thee, received amalku your side, so be all charity and prayer (wird) -ku sustainable entirely incorporated into (venture worship) one, and kekalkanlah my situation is always in worship Thee.

O the One to whom I entrust myself (me dependent). O the One to whom I stir my condition!

Rabbi Rabbi Yes ... yes ... yes Rabbi ...
Strengthen our members to worship Thee my body. Strengthen bones to carry out my intentions. Blessed me sincerity to ward Thee, Thee habits for forwarding service, so I rushed menujuMu predecessors and ran along with those directed towards leading, near misses along the yearns Thee ....

Make me close to You, nearby people who are sincere and fear Thee, fear of people who are sure. Now I gather together the believers in Your presence.

Dear Allah ! who meant no harm to me, resist him, who memperdayakanku, gagalkanlah him. Make me the most excellent servant of fate your side. The closest position with You, the most privileged place near you ...

Indeed, all this will not be achieved, except with the gift. Generosity bestows upon me, love me with goodness. Perliharalah me with your grace. Make my tongue to keep the remembrance of Thee, fill me in order to always love you, give me the best of ijabahMu, eliminate scars my fall, forgive ketergelinciranku.

Indeed, have you enjoined your servants worship You, You commanded them to berdo`a on thee, thou jaminkan them ijabahMu.

Therefore, to Thee Ya Rabbi, I confronted my face, kepadaMuYa Robbi, I hulurkan hand ... So for the sake of greatness, let do`aku, tell me in my dream, do not disconnect your gift ... So hope will protect me from evil jinn and mankind from the my enemies.

O Almighty Allah's approval fast. Forgive those who have nothing except do`a; because you do what will.

O whose name is a drug, and that zikirNya is healing, that obedience to Him is the wealth ... wealth mercy on those who only hope, and the gun just a cry.

O Sower gifts. O Supreme repellent disaster. O Nur, which illuminates them crashing in the darkness. O the All-Knowing without being told, tell your blessings on Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

Do to me what it is worth to You ...

(Then have the intent or desire to read Solawat Anda.Tutuplah to the Prophet and his family are sacred and companions were elected).



In English:

Dear Allah,
I beg You, by the grace of Thy Yang fulfilled everything, with your power with which you conquered everything, and therefore subject to everything, and merendahlah everything, with the glory which beat everything, with a strength that is unbearable by everything, with greatness which meets everything, with your power that transcends everything, the eternal face after the extinction of everything, with asmaMu that meet milestones everything, with knoweldge that covers everything, with the light shining on your face everything.

Nur O, O Holy One. O the beginning of everything early. O The final end of everything. O Allah, forgive my sins that brought down the guard. O Allah, forgive my sins disastrous; my sins that destroy the gift; forgive my sins that hold (granting) do`a. O Allah, forgive my sins were lowered bala`. O Allah, forgive the sins which I have done and all the mistakes that have been working on.

O God, I'm coming toward the dhikr to you, I ask your help with Yourself, I beg Thee with generosity, bring me keharibaanMu, a time to me to give thanks to You, lead me to always remember you.

O Allah, I beg Thee to request a low servant, contempt and fear, forgive me, love me, and make me the pleasure and taste quite the gift. And being tawadhu for every affair.

O Allah, I beg Thee, to request a heavy person needs, which is when the trouble conveying his business to you, which is great kedambaannya to achieve what is your side.

O God, your power Almighty, the Most High your position, always hidden plan, always look your power, always erect strength, always apply kodratMu, impossible to escape from government control (power) must.

O Allah, do not I get forgiveness for my sins, for keburukanku no cover, nothing can replace amalku bad with kindness, but (only) you.

There is no god except You. You with all the holy Maha pujiMu. I have persecuted me, I have dared to violate, because of ignorance; but I remained serene because lean on and you call your gift to me.

Below is footage of Prayer Kumail with Indonesian text (about 34 minutes):
O God, my protector, my kejelekkan how many have you cover, how much havoc have you overcome, how many obstacles have you removed, how many disasters have you put out, how much better are unworthy of praise for me have you spread.

O God, are already bencanaku, already excessive ugliness my condition, low amalamalku true, true heavy shackles (kemalasanku). Chimera long been holding the benefit of myself, the world with deceit has memperdayaku, and myself (misled) because of his actions, and due to negligence ...

O my Lord, I beg Thee with all kekuasanMu, do not you shut do`aku, because evil deeds and perangaiku, do not you reveal the hidden secret, whom you know. Do you segerakan torment me for the bad things and the bad things that I did in my loneliness, because habit encroach, and ignorance because of my soul and negligence.

O God, by your glory, in whatsoever state I love, love me in all things.
Divine Rabbi, who else besides you, I beg eliminated misery, and noted business.
Divine protector, You wear me laws (regulations), but there I follow the desires of my soul; I'm not quite wary of indirection (demons) enemy, then terkecohlah me because my soul, and act ketentuanMu over me when I breaking most of the limits you set for me, and partly kubantah your order.

However, to You all pujiku above all; There is no reason for me (reject) the provisions of which you assign to me, as well as legal and exams that happened to me. I come now menghadapMu, O Divine with all the flaws, with all the iniquities (transgression), while conveying the recognition and regret with a broken heart melted, begging forgiveness and surrender, humbly acknowledging all kenistaanku.

(Because of all this cacatku), no I get a place to escape, no refuge to submit business, in addition to the desire was to receive the recognition of mistakes and put me on the sanctity of Thy favor.

O Allah, accept my confession, have mercy on the severity of the pain, release me from my chains powers.

Yes Rabbi, have mercy on my weakness, skin softness and fragility of bones.
O God first created me, call me, educate me, treated me well, and gave me life, since the beginning of your gift, because you were ahead of me with kindness, give me your gift.

Ya Allah, my Lord, My keeper ... Will you menyikasaku with your blazing, after I mengesakanMu, after my heart sank in makrifatMu, after the tongue moves called you, after heart tied to your love, after all sincerity confession and prayers while kneeling on rububiahMu subject ...

Below is a video of Prayer Kumail with English subtitles (about 34 minutes):
No! You are too precious to throw people you keep, or alienate people who you hold, or set aside the person who you naungi, or drop the disaster on the person you are inadequate and you dear ...

Alas, me !, my Lord, my Lord, my protector!
Whether you would throw into hell faces subject to fall by greatness, tongues are sincerely utter keEsaanMu and praise be grateful for nikmatMu, Kalbu-heart who wholeheartedly acknowledge Uluhiah thy conscience filled with the knowledge of you, so that katakutan vibrate, bodies that have been subject to the usual serve humbly beseech Thee and Thy mercy.

So it's not our prejudice about you, when I have preached to us about keutamaanMu.

O giver of the gift, O preserver! You know my weaknesses in a bear bit of a disaster and the punishment of evils that afflict the world and its inhabitants; Whereas all the (disaster and evil) was short of his time, his moment, and short age.

So is it possible I could endure disaster and evil afterlife great final day, disaster long and lasting era of his time, and not alleviated for those who bear it; because everything does not happen, but because of your wrath, as recompense.

Here, the earth and the sky was not able to bear. O my Lord, I like where possible (bear)? Though I'm weak servant, poor, lowly, poor, and destitute.

Moreover affairs presumably would I stir Thee? Should I cry to scream, because of the pain and the severity of the punishment, or because of the length of the trials?

If only thou torment me along your enemies, and you himpunkan I shared bencanaMu receiver, and you divorce me from the lover and your love ...

Imam Ali bin Abithalib as in calligraphy
O ... .. if I ... Yes Divine, my Lord, my protector, my God. If only I could be patient bear siksaMu, where maybe I could bear to part from you? And if I can be patient hold your blazing heat, how could I bear not see your glory? How could I live in hell, but my hope is only forgiveness?

For the sake of glory, O my Lord, my protector! I swear sincerely; if only you let me speak there, in the middle of its inhabitants, I will cry, cry of those who keep hope, I will scream, their cries for help, I'll moan, groan shortage.

Sesesungguhnya, I would menyeruMu wherever you are ... Oh, Protector of the believers ... O the hope purpose arifin ... O protector of the requesting protection. O lover hearts of lovers of truth, O Lord of the universe ... Most holy thou divine, with all pujiMu!

Will you hear there the sound of Muslim slave imprisoned with (due to) keingkarannya, who feel punished before Allaah because sins are committed, which fall into it because sin and nistanya; he moaned to You by crave your grace, he menyeruMu tongue tauhidMu expert, he bertawasul Thee with RububiahMu ...

O protector! How could he forever in torment, and he hoped to goodness earlier. How could hell hurt him, and he longed for gift and your grace. Where possible flames burn, while you hear his voice and see his place ... where you might flames surrounded them, but you know his weakness. How could he fall up in it, but you know his sincerity?

Where possible Zabaniyah menghempasnya, when he called-call you: Ya Rabbi ...! How could he expect from him the gift of freedom, and you leave it there ...

No. Thus sangkaanku nothing against you. Unlikely as it perlakuanMu against the believers, but the kindness and karunialah you have given.
With sure I dare say, if not for the decision to torture people mengingkariMu, and the decision to perpetuate there people who are against you, you will make the fire completely cool and peaceful, there will be no longer in situ residence, and settle for anyone , Shrine of Imam Ali

But Maha Qudus asthma (names) must; You have sworn, to meet the hell with the infidels from the class of Jin and Human entirely. You will perpetuate there the ungodly. You and all the glory pujiMu. You said, after mentioning the favors that you give "Are the believers as infidels, in fact not the same as they were".

Divine, my Lord ... I beseech Thee, by nature, whom you specify, with qadha whom you have set and disconnect, and have you specify applies to people who dikenainya ... Forgive me, on this night, at this moment, all the insult I've ever worked on, all the sins I've ever done, all the evils that I never kept secret, all the ignorance that once I resume practicing, I hide or putting out, (I did) secretly or openly.

Forgive all the evils which thou hast commanded angels record. Those whom you have assigned to record everything that is within me, those who make my witnesses together with all the members of my body, and you own escort behind them, watching what is hidden in them.
By your grace, you hide the ugliness. With your gift, you cover it. Perbanyaklah share to every good thing you down, or any gift you bestow, or any kindness that you deploy, or any provision that you shed, or any sin that you ampunkan, or any errors that you have hidden.

Rabbi Rabbi Yes ... yes ... yes Rabbi ...
Divine Yes, my Lord, my protector, my life owner (Determinants of freedom)! O Essence of my fate in his hands end (top of my head)! Oh who knows the misery and misfortune! Oh who knows indigence and kepapaanku!

Rabbi Rabbi Yes ... yes ... yes Rabbi ...
I beg to You with truth and purity, with the majesty of nature and Asma`Mu. Make all the time that I went through, the nights and my lunch was always filled with remembrance to you, connected to worship Thee, received amalku your side, so be all charity and prayer (wird) -ku sustainable entirely incorporated into (venture worship) one, and kekalkanlah my situation is always in worship Thee.

O the One to whom I entrust myself (me dependent). O the One to whom I stir my condition!

Rabbi Rabbi Yes ... yes ... yes Rabbi ...
Strengthen our members to worship Thee my body. Strengthen bones to carry out my intentions. Blessed me sincerity to ward Thee, Thee habits for forwarding service, so I rushed menujuMu predecessors and ran along with those directed towards leading, near misses along the yearns Thee ....

Make me close to You, nearby people who are sincere and fear Thee, fear of people who are sure. Now I gather together the believers in Your presence.

Dear Allah ! who meant no harm to me, resist him, who memperdayakanku, gagalkanlah him. Make me the most excellent servant of fate your side. The closest position with You, the most privileged place near you ...

Indeed, all this will not be achieved, except with the gift. Generosity bestows upon me, love me with goodness. Perliharalah me with your grace. Make my tongue to keep the remembrance of Thee, fill me in order to always love you, give me the best of ijabahMu, eliminate scars my fall, forgive ketergelinciranku.

Indeed, have you enjoined your servants worship You, You commanded them to berdo`a on thee, thou jaminkan them ijabahMu.

Therefore, to Thee Ya Rabbi, I confronted my face, kepadaMuYa Robbi, I hulurkan hand ... So for the sake of greatness, let do`aku, tell me in my dream, do not disconnect your gift ... So hope will protect me from evil jinn and mankind from the my enemies.

O Almighty Allah's approval fast. Forgive those who have nothing except do`a; because you do what will.

O whose name is a drug, and that zikirNya is healing, that obedience to Him is the wealth ... wealth mercy on those who only hope, and the gun just a cry.

O Sower gifts. O Supreme repellent disaster. O Nur, which illuminates them crashing in the darkness. O the All-Knowing without being told, tell your blessings on Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

Do to me what it is worth to You ...

(Then have the intent or desire to read Solawat Anda.Tutuplah to the Prophet and his family are sacred and companions were elected).



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